Pigs for Sale
All the pigs for sale or hire are pure rare breed “Large Black” pigs. All the pigs are kept in their natural habitat of woodland with large areas to roam. They live in large comfortable pig arcs and are totally free range and free to explore large areas. They are fed on pig nuts, large quantities of fruit & vegetables, and apples when in season. All the pigs are very healthy and have never had any disease or problems whatsoever.
Weaners for Sale
“Large Black” Weaners (pure bred – the Dams registered but Sire unregistered).
All very healthy and never had any problems. All had easy births. Weaners normally sold at about 8 weeks old.
Weaners for sale born on 5 March 2012: | Male £30 | Female £40 |
Weaners for sale born on 6 March 2012: | Male £30 | Female £40 |
Weaners for sale born on 8 March 2012: | Male £30 | Female £40 |
(Customers should arrange collection from the farm. Delivery can be arranged depending on distance. We will quote a price for delivery if required.)
Pigs for Sale
22 pigs for sale (7 boars, 15 gilts). All the “Large Black” pigs are from 3 litters from 3 registered Sows and a young boar. They are very fit and healthy and also very friendly.
- Boars born in late August 2011: £70
- Gilts born in late August 2011: £80